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Q: What is the difference between a political region and a cultural region?
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What is culture and cultural diversity?

Cultural diversity is the variety of human society and culture in a specific region or even in the world. It exists between people, such as language, dress, tradition and the way people interact with their environment Cultural diversity is the variety of human society and culture in a specific region or even in the world. It exists between people, such as language, dress, tradition and the way people interact with their environment

What are culture realms?

A cultural realm is a geographical region where traits maintain homogeneity.The cultural traits are supposed to be the product of regional geographical circumstances.

What is the definition cultural diversity?

Cultural diversity is the quality of different cultures. Cultural diversity includes language, race, customs, food, dress, religion, beliefs, values, ethnicity, gender, political views and knowledge. Culture diversity also includes the various elements of Australian Indegnious culture.

What does the term cultural diversity refer?

mean the variety of human societiesor cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole

What is region and vernacular region?

Region: Any area larger than a point and smaller than the whole entire planet.areas of unique characteristics, ways of organizing people geographically. There are 3 ways of doing this:1) distinctive characteristics: area, location, bounderies, other2) the three types of regions: formal, functional, vernacular(perceptual)3) regions seen as hierarchy.Vernacular Region: A region defined by perception (south, western, Hoosier region)Vernacular Culture Regions (Also called "Popular" or "Perceptual" Regions)-are those perceived to exist by their inhabitants, as evidenced by the widespread acceptance and use of a special regional name. Some vernacular regions are based on physical environmental features; others find their basis in economic, political, or historical characteristics. Vernacular regions, like most culture regions, generally lack sharp borders, and the inhabitants of any given area may claim residence in more than one such region. It grows out of people's sense of belonging and identification with a particular region. Ex: one popular region in the US "Dixie". They often lack the organization necessary for functional regions, although they may be centered around a single urban node, and they frequently do not display the cultural homogeneity that characterizes formal regions.

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What is the difference between cultural region and cultural realm?

regiön is also realm Ok I love Sharuk

Which type of region is based on political boundaries?

A region based on political boundaries is a formal region.

Differentiate between cultural area and cultural region?

I think cultural area is a bigger amount of space than cultural region but I'm not sure.

What is the difference between a political and a physical region?

To use an example: "Great Britain" is a physical region, consisting of the countries of England, Wales and Scotland (i.e. a geographical location), whereas "United Kingdom" is a political region, consisting of the above, plus Northern Ireland.

What is the difference between globalization and colonization?

Globilization is when the economy, culture, or norms of one region permeate and influence another region. Colonization is when one region takes over another region for economic, social, or political gains.

Difference between city and country?

A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement.a country is a geographical region. The term is often applied to a political division or the territory of a sovereign state, or to a smaller, or former, political division of a geographical region.

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What is the synonym for cultural region?

There is no known synonym for the term cultural region. It does not have a known antonym either. A region is either cultural or it is not.

What is the difference between autonomous region and administrative region?

Administrative Region: a region that is in the lowlands Autonomous Region: a region that is in the highlands

What is the difference between functional region and perceptual region different?

What is the difference between functional and perceptual regions? i want my answere soon please and thank you

Which type of region is based on peoples attitudes about areas of the wold?

Wicca is a religion based mainly on the rituals preformed and the good actions done by the person wiccans believe in karma so its all action Improvement: Political region economic regions cultural region population region

What is the difference between a continent a region and a hemisphere?

a region is a area a continent is a land mass