Both the music and lyrics to You're A Grand 'Ol Flag were written by George M. Cohan.
The lyrics indicate that the flag remained flying at the end of an important battle.
The duration of Flying the Flag is 1800.0 seconds.
Flying the Flag ended on 1992-08-04.
What are the rules about flying the American Flag
According to the US Flag Code, the US Flag should be larger in size and (if flying on the same pole), at the top of the pole. If flying the American flag with a state flag, the American flag needs to be on a taller pole than the state flag and displayed on the flag's right side. If flying them on poles of equal size, then flying the American flag on the flag's right side is correct.
We celebrate by flying the flag.
Absolutely. Flying your own countries flag is a privilege, however, if you keep your flag flying at night, it must have a light on it.
If flying from a stationary flag-pole, die Fahne and if flying from a vehicle or a ship, die Flagge.
i dont know but the song is called your a grand old flag
no they have different names.Also one is grand and the other is not