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Disclaimer: I'm not a physician, but have a scientific background (MS Pharmacology/Toxicology) and have known several people with ulcerative colitis (UC).

The cause of UC is not known, but has not been tied to any known disease-causing microorganism. It is an inflammatory process, meaning the body is mounting "defenses" against something, which may turn out to be something in the environment (like an allergen) or maybe the immune system has broken down and is acting this way on its own. There may even be a genetic component.

These are not things you can "get" from poorly sterilized surgical equipment, which would show up as an infection (e.g., peritonitis) requiring antibiotic treatment. Also, an infection would be cleared up (or may be fatal left untreated) fairly quickly, unlike UC, which can take months/years to resolve or take its toll.

PS--You may want to post this under "Health"--you might get a few more/better answers.

best wishes,


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