Alaska has a higher elevation than Florida.
Definitely Alaska
Tennessee has a higher elevation. Clingmans Dome in the Great Smokey Mountains of Tennessee has an elevation of 6,643 feet above sea level. Florida is relatively flat. The highest natural point of elevation in Florida is Britton Hill at 345 feet above sea level. Florida does have some skyscrapers that are higher than 345 feet.
Air gets less dense or lighter as you go up in elevation. So, any area with an elevation higher than 100 feet ( the average elevation of Florida) will have lighter air.
Alaska has higher elevations than Florida. Alaska's highest point is 2,320 feet.
Alaska who's highest point is Mt. McKinley, 20,320 feet and lowest point is sea level. Florida's Highest point is 345 feet and lowest point is sea level. alaskaThe US State of Alaska has an average elevation higher than the US State of Florida.
Alaska. The highest mountain in the USA is located in Eastern Alaska.
Florida and Louisiana
States with lower elevation and higher humidity, such as Florida, Hawaii, and some parts of the Pacific Northwest, are generally easier to breathe in. These regions have more oxygen in the air and higher moisture levels, which can be beneficial for respiratory health.
The northeast has higher elevation
Higher Elevation was created on 2005-06-01.