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Q: How tall will i be if i am 6'0 at 14 years old wearing size 13 shoe and my dad is 6'2 and my mom is 5'9?
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How tall will you be if your 13 years old you have a size 12 shoe and your 5 foot 6?

Shoe size doesn't really matter on how tall you are going to be. I'm 13, 5 foot 6, and have a size 14 shoe.

Whats too tall Jones shoe size?

Too Tall Jones wears a men's US size 14 shoe.

What is average shoe size for 13 year old?

I have a size 131/2 shoe and i am 13 years old. I went to the doctor and he said I am going to be very tall. He told me the avg. shoe size for a 13 year old is about 11 - 11 1/2

What was George Washingtons shoe size?

George Washington had a size 13 shoe and was 6' 3 1/2 inches tall.

Tall people have big feet?

Yes they do. I am 6'4" and have a size 15 shoes, and I am 13 years old. Tall people tend to have big shoe sizes.

What is the size of chris Cole's shoes?

Shaq wears a size 22 mens shoe.

How tall is Cameron Diaz in feet?

her shoe size is 10.

Is a shoe size of 13 about to go on 14 big for a 14 year old?

It would depend on your height. When i was 13 years old, i was 5"7 and shoe size was 10. Even if you are tall, i would say 13 and 14 is pretty big for your age. Shoe size up to 12 for your age is fine.

If your shoe size is 9 12 how tall are you?

Foot size does not represent a persons height.

Average shoe size for 6 foot tall man?

probaly about size 11

What is the most popular shoe size for women?

The most popular shoe size for women is a size 8. This is because on average, most women are about 5 feet 4 inches tall, and foot size is usually correlates with how tall a person is.

How tall can you get if you are 12 and 6'3 tall and wear a size 14 shoe?

very tall, or u will stop soon