The capital of Provo is Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City is roughly 40 miles from Provo, Utah.
The Provo River rises in Washington Lake and flows about 70 miles southwest to Utah Lake.
I don't know about from Salt Lake, but you can ride an ATV from Tooele to Wendover.
Salt Lake City Provo
The Great Salt Lake lies in parts of Box Elder, Davis, Tooele, Weber, and Salt Lake counties in Utah.
The largest cities in Utah are Salt Lake City, West Valley City, Provo, West Jordan, and Orem. Salt Lake City is the capital and the most populous city in the state.
It is in the northern part of Utah. It is in the northern part of Utah.Another AnswerThe lake lies in three counties: Box Elder, Davis and Tooele.
Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, St. George.
Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, St. George.
LindonHighlandsalt lakeAmerican ForkAmerican Fork
Interstate 15 connects Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, NV.