The song is called "My Man My Moon," by Feist
The song is called "My Moon My Man," by Feist
The first time I heard of prepaid wireless plans I was at an Alltel store. The deals were much better than being held down with a contract. That was five years ago and I still have the same plan even after Alltel was bought out by Verizon Wireless.
he uses a Motorola DynaTAC 8000X google it if you have never heard of it
This is a great commerical, which features Fall Out Boy's song "This Ain't a Scene, It's An Arms Race."
This is a false statement about the Verizon IPhone 4s. The IPhone 4s for Verizon has not ever been recalled. The source that you heard this from is mistaken.
I have heard from a number of sources that Verizon may be coming into marathon county fairly soon. The reason they are not at the moment already is that cellcom has/had a contract with alltel that gave them exclusive rights in marathon county. With the merger of alltel and Verizon, that contract is being closely looked at again and I have heard from a few sources that they have found a loophole of some sort in that contract which would allow them to come into the county. So in other words sit tight for a few months and see what happens :)
never is wat i have heard
Vodaphone is a mobile phone provider that operates worldwide. While it is not a brand name that is well-know in the US, it owns a minority stake in the US mobile phone provide Verizon Wireless.
It has been recorded by many different singers, though probably the Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra versions are the ones most often heard.
Not that I have heard of, no.
Cacoa, but when it came to America the people mis heard it and callled it Chocolate!!!
The best chocolate on Earth comes from Mars, at least that's what I heard.
What I have heard, you can get them the cheapest at