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Q: Why even ether was thought to be a universal frame how ether can be at rest with respect to to all moving observer?
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The length of a rod as measured by an observer moving with respect to it is half of its proper lenght the speed of the observer with respect to rod is?

The speed of the observer with respect to the rod is half the speed of light. This is due to the Lorentz contraction effect at relativistic speeds, where lengths appear contracted in the direction of motion as observed from a different frame of reference.

What is The motion of the pulse with the respect to the source?

The motion of a pulse is affected by the motion of the source. If the source is moving towards the observer, the pulse will be compressed and its frequency will increase. If the source is moving away from the observer, the pulse will be stretched out and its frequency will decrease.

When the source of a wave is moving relative to an observer of the wave what happens?

If the source of a wave is moving towards the observer, the observer will perceive a higher frequency (blue shift) in the wave. If the source is moving away, the observer will perceive a lower frequency (red shift) in the wave. This is known as the Doppler effect.

What is the observed change in the frequency of a wave when either the source or observer is moving?

When either the source or the observer is moving, there is a change in the frequency of the wave observed, known as the Doppler effect. If the source is moving towards the observer, the frequency appears higher (blueshift); if the source is moving away, the frequency appears lower (redshift). The same principle applies if the observer is moving instead of the source.

Does the frequency change if the observer moves?

Yes, the frequency of a wave changes if the observer is moving relative to the source of the wave. This is described by the Doppler effect, where the frequency appears higher if the observer is moving towards the source, and lower if the observer is moving away from the source.

What is the Doppler effect on sound?

The Doppler effect on sound refers to the change in pitch of a sound wave as the source of the sound moves relative to an observer. If the source is moving towards the observer, the pitch increases (higher frequency), and if the source is moving away, the pitch decreases (lower frequency).

When For a stationary observer when the source of a sound is moving it is?

C.pitch appears to change -apex

Why must motion be with respect to the oberver?

Motion is relative, meaning the perception of motion depends on the observer's frame of reference. When we describe motion as being "with respect to the observer," we are acknowledging that an observer's position and motion can affect how they perceive the motion of other objects. This is encapsulated in Galileo's principle of relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion.

How is the red shift different than the blue shift?

Radiation from a source moving away from the observer is red-shifted. Radiation from a source moving towards the observer is blue-shifted.

How would moving at light speed affect a watch?

Just like everything else, that would depend on who is looking at the watch, and how the observer is moving relative to it. To the person wearing the watch, it would appear perfectly normal, as it tick-tocked regularly and the hands moved slowly. But to a stationary observer ... one with respect to whom the watch is moving at light speed ... the watch would appear to have stopped --- just like the heartbeat of the person wearing it!

Is it true or false for a stationary observer when the source of a sound is moving its pitch appears to change?

True. When the source of a sound is moving relative to a stationary observer, the pitch of the sound appears to change due to the Doppler effect. If the source is moving towards the observer, the pitch is heard higher, and if the source is moving away, the pitch is heard lower.

What indicate redshifting to astronomers?

The object is moving away from the observer.