The Persian Gulf countries are 7 in total: Iran, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. All are rich in oil and oil reserves. Iraq, while also rich in oil and oil reserves, has never been a Persian Gulf State.
Located in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf States, produce about one-fifth of the total world oil production. They have more than half of the world's oil reserves.
Countries with a coastline on the Persian Gulf are Iran, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq.
Various small islands lie within the Persian Gulf, some of which are subject to territorial disputes by the states of the region.
The Gulf Country is the name given to the region of woodland and savanna grassland surrounding the Gulf of Carpentaria in north western Queensland and eastern Northern Territory on the north coast of Australia. The region is also called the Gulf Savannah.
Saudi Arabia, Arabian sea and Arabian gulf.
Countries that border Persian gulf
The other name is Persian Gulf. -Please note -source is NOT True Knowledge.
That is Saudi Arabia.
The exact location of the Arabian Gulf in relation to Asia is south west.
The Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea.
Arabian Gulf University was created in 1981.
The Gulf of Oman is to the Arabian Sea as the Gulf of Tonkin is to the South China Sea.
Arabian Peninsula
The six Arabian Peninsula countries that border the Persian Gulf are: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain*, UAE, and Oman*. *Bahrain and Oman may be considered to not fit the requirements since, (1) Bahrain is an island, so technically it is not on the Arabian Peninsula, and (2) Oman's border on the Persian Gulf is technically the western part of the Strait of Hormuz.
where can i get answer for the the latest weather charts for the arabian gulf region?
In relation to Asia, the Arabian Gulf is in the south west.