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The Great Pyramids of Giza look like gigantic triangles made of layered sand-bricks.

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Q: What does the Great Pyramid of Giza look like what is it made out of?
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Its supposed to be a representation of the great pyramid in Giza, Egypt.

How many sides does pyramid of Giza have?

A pryamid has four sides.

Why does the pyramid of Giza look like it does?

Because the casing-stones were removed a very long time ago - they were polished limestone that covered the whole pyramid and would have afforded great protection from the weather.

What can you compare the great pyramid of Giza to?

The only physical way is to another pyramid, but you could look at it by relating as to how it would be built today with modern equipment.

What does a square pyramid look like?

The base of the pyramid is a square.Start with a square, then extend each corner upwards to meet at a point above the center of the square. The point can be almost any height, so the pyramid can have an infinite number of shapes.The Great Pyramid of Giza is a square pyramid.

What did the Great Sphinx of Giza look like?

type it into google images

Is the Great Pyramid still in existence today?

Does the Great Sphinx of Giza still exist?Yes, it still exists. It is believed that the Great Sphinx was built by the pharaoh Khafre somewhere around 2,500 BC to guard the pyramids of Giza.

What does a enneahedron look like?

Have a good look at the Great Pyramid of Giza, it is the worlds largest enneahedron as it has 9 sides, 9 vertices and 16 edges. You see the "four" visible sides are all concave which give it 8 visible sides plus the base makes 9 sides. Look at a birds eye photo of the Great Pyramid to see these 8 visible sides. Cheers,

What did king Khufu's tomb look like?

king khufus tomb had everything he needed to get through the 3000 year journey to the afterlife!food,makeup,gold,gods,statue of the gods and more

What are some major events in the Egyptian revolution?

The very first pyramid was built in 2750 bc

Where is Giza pyramid?

In Cairo, Egypt. Most pictures make them look as if they are in the middle of the desert, but in reality they are right at the edge of the city.

What are some things that look like a square pyramid?

Things look like pyramid