The address of the Alton Museum Of History is: 2809 College Ave, Alton, IL 62002-4743
The web address of the Alton Museum Of History is:
The phone number of the Alton Museum Of History is: 618-433-2631.
The address of the Uss Franklin Cv 13 Museum is: 1806 State St, Alton, IL 62002-3367
The address of the Gilman Museum is: 123 Main St, Alton, NH 03809
Alton, IL is located to the north-northeast of St. Louis, Missouri. Alton, IL is located directly north of East St. Louis, Illinois.
Yes,you are right Alton is a city in Illinois.
The phone number of the Uss Franklin Cv 13 Museum is: 618-462-9634.
The address of the Genealogy And Local History Library is: 401 State Street, Alton, 62002 M
Robert Wadlow lived in Alton, Illinois, USA. He was known as the tallest person in recorded history, reaching a height of 8 feet 11.1 inches (272 cm) at the time of his death in 1940.
The alton frogs
Tom Hoechst.
The phone number of the Alton Area Historical Society is: 618-463-1795.