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baby rabbits are called kits

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Q: When a female rabbit has 5 of more baby rabbits what are the baby rabbits called?
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What are male and female rabbits called?

A male rabbit is called a buck as well as a deer, a female is a doe.A male is called a buck and a female is called a doe :)A female rabbit is called a doe,a male rabbit is called a buck.A baby rabbit is called a are some rabbit facts...Female rabbits ONLY do the digging.Baby rabbits can also be called kits.Rabbits have ,long ears so when there in the tall grass they can hear whats happening.

What are teenage rabbits called?

A female rabbit is a called a "doe," just like a female deer. Sometimes a female rabbit is called a "jill," but that's not very common.

What is a male female baby rabbit called?

Baby rabbits are called kittens or kits and when it matures into an adult it will become a buck!

Would young rabbits kill baby rabbits?

no, but the male rabbit will impregnate the female baby offspring when they mature. so young rabbits will not kill the baby rabbit.

What is afemale rabbit called?

Baby rabbits are called "kittens" or "kits" for short. There is no special name for female babies versus male babies. Adult males rabbits are called "bucks" and adult females are called "does."

What is a baby girl rabbit called?

Any fur bearing mammal baby can be called a KIT.It's called a leveret.

When a female rabbit gives birth to her babies what are they called?

Baby rabbits are called Kitten's, this is often shortened to Kit's

What are rabbit called?

Baby rabbits are called "kits" or kittens. A baby hare is called a leveret.

What is a mother rabbit of offspring called?

Doe is the name of a female rabbit. Dam is the name of a mother rabbit.

Rabbits baby name?

a baby hare is cald leveretA baby hare is called a leveret.

What is an immature rabbit called?

A baby rabbit is called a kit or a kitten.

How is rabbit called like father mother and baby?

Rabbits... Male = Buck Female = Doe Youngster = Kit or Kitten