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Q: A person who goes with you and looks after you on a package holiday?
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A person who goes with looks after you on a package holiday?


What do you call a person that goes to holiday places?

A holidaymaker or tourist

What do you call a person who goes on holiday to other countries?

A tourist would fit that description

What is a person who goes on holiday to other countries called?


What nicknames does Holiday Hadley go by?

Holiday Hadley goes by Dizzle, and Saffire.

What goes on a snack package?

a lot of thingd

What do you do if your boyfriend goes on holiday and cheats on you?

dump him

What is the person person called when they go around singing at Christmas?

A person who goes around singing at Christmas is often called a caroler. They typically sing traditional Christmas songs while spreading holiday cheer in their community.

In Freak the Mighty chapter fifteen what holiday is it?

the holiday is christmas eve... but i do beleive it goes to christmas as well

Where Hayley Williams goes on holiday?

Hayley goes on holiday to her parents house. She spends that much time on tour that she calls coming home her vacation. Isn't that sweet? xx

When shipping a computer why is it not a good idea to ship backups of the system in the same package with the computer?

If the two are shipped separately and one goes missing then the data will still be retained in the other package. If everything is shipped together and the package goes missing then everything is lost

Men or women who goes abroad?

Holiday makers or tourists.