

Best Answer

Names: Angelina, Gianna, Gina, Adriana, Alessa, Arianna, Bella, Bianca, Carla, Carmela, Caterina, Celia, Clara, Clarissa, Cristina, Cristiana, Dafne, Daniela, Elena, Eleonora, Elisabetta, Felicita, Francesca, Gabriella, Giada, Giorgia, Giovanna, Grazia, Graziella, Isabella, Italia, Jemma, Leonora, Lauretta, Lia, Lorenza, Luigia, Marcella, Maria, Mimi, Mona, Natale, Nicoletta, and many more names at

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Q: Italian baby girl names
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What Italian baby names are most common?

There are many baby names out there that have Italian origins. Some common Italian boy baby names are: Leonardo, Giovanni, Mario, Antonio, and Bruno. Some common Italian girl baby names are: Maria, Bianca, Gina, and Isabella.

What are good baby names for a girl and boy that are Italian and African American?

For the girl: Italian: Sabatina. African American: Aba. For the boy: Italian: Macci. African American: Dacia. Hope I helped! ************************************************************************

What is 'baby girl' when translated from English to Italian?

"Baby girl" in English means bambina in Italian.

What are some good, etymological resources for baby girl names?

There are many online shops that provide you baby girl names. is one of online shop that provides you free baby girl names with many choose of baby girl names. You can try to visit

What is the English phrase 'baby girl' in Italian?

Bambina is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "baby girl."Specifically, the Italian word is a feminine noun that means "baby girl, girl child." It may be preceded by the definite article la ("the") or the indefinite una ("a, one"). The pronunciation is "bahm-BEE-nah."

What is petite in Italian?

Petite in Italian is PICCOLA, PICCINA, MINUTA, referred to a little girl, a child (female), baby girl.

What are some Italian girl names?

Italian girls' names include: Caleigh Giovanna Elizabeth Stefania Anna Louisa Rosa

What are some unusual baby girl names?

There are many unusual baby girl names but one of my favorites is Mercy. I hope that helped. ~ Skye

Some Latina names for a baby girl?

My favorite Latina baby girl name is Acedemia.

Do only good Italian girl names end in A?


What are the most frequent names for a baby girl?

well Abigail and Emma are great names for baby girls

How do people make a list of baby girl names?

People make lists of baby girl names by just thinking of all the names they like that are good names. Then they can write them down so they can remember them.