Traditionally celery is left for reindeer in Spain due to the difference in climate. Father Christmas although sticks to what is traditional for him on Christmas Eve night that been a lancashire hot pot washed down with miwadi summer fruits and finished with a chocolate spread and cheese sandwich.
traditionally it was mince pies and milk , but people now believe that father Christmas is quite big so they decided cookies and beer or milk would be the answer to why hes big so now its cookies and milk or beer but traditionally it was mince pies and milk
usually spicy food.
toad in the hole! I think??
Traditionally alot of healthy food is served at Christmas with wine and beer too.
Christmas in not generally celebrated in Japan. While there are Christians in Japan, there are no specifically Japanese traditions associated with Christmas, as it is not a local custom or event. Christmas is not a holiday in Japan. Some large Japanese shops are promoting Christmas and decorating for Christmas but this is purely for marketing reasons.
Christmas Day in Spain isn't very important in Spain. Navidad, or Christmas Eve is very important. There are festivities, euro lotteries, and food. Normally, shops are closed early on Navidad, bu then are open on Christmas Day. Navidad is celebrated on December 24th. That is why the song is "Feliz Navidad." It means merry Christmas in Spanish. And Navidad is more important than the actual Christmas Day.
Well when i was young and i left food out for santa (now my kids do it for me :D ) i left out cookies and milk and an apple for the reindeer! xx
what food do canada joy on christmas