Right now because of the war the government in Afghanistan is wiped out. There are almost no laws. There are other groups trying to take over that government.
Afghanistan has no central government now because they are in a war.
About 30 million.
right now there is no rail service but train service in Afghanistan is to start in the beginning of the year 2012.
Afghanistan's has Islam as it's type of government.
there government tries to bomb the Afghanistan country in Asia
Afghanistan's government has same as USA's government. Both have three branches.
From old times Afghanistan national support was wrestling But now Afghanistan famous sports are : - Cricket - Football - volleyball - Teckwondo - Boxing - Boys-cling - Swim - Bodybuilding - (Local sport)
I am here right now and it does not work over here.
Afghanistan's President is Hamid Karsai.
Sure they do but the government won't let right, 'cause if they did a lot of things would change.
They're actively involved in fighting the War of Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq.