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Q: What subjests are needed to be a lawyer at form six level in Zimbabwe?
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Social Studies, History and English i think that is what i was told

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Zimbabwe is one of the most educated countries in Southern Afrrica.According to statistics by the Sevaral international Researches the Country stands at 82.5%

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There is a national zip code instead of suburb level zip or postal code. The zip code is 00263.

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No, Biology is only needed at intermediate level. Good luck!

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I am not a lawyer, however am training to be one, but i would advise that if someone is wishing to go onto a highly recommended law school then a law a-level is frowned upon, as they find it too easy, they also prefer old subject, e.g. history/English Good luck to any possible lawyers out there, i wish you the best!

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The number of experience points needed to level up in Mafia Wars depends on the level a person is on. The max experience needed is 12,923 for level 925.

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Some become judges at various levels.

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more info needed for answer

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