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Q: What was the difference between North Korea and South Korea after the Korean War?
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The Korean war was fought between North Korea and who?

and south Korea

When was the Korean War and where did it take place?

The Korean War took place on the Korean Peninsula, from Pusan on the southern tip to the Yalu River which forms the border between North Korea and China.

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What countries lie on the Korean Peninsula?

North Korea and South Korea lie on the Korean Peninsula.

Did North Korea hates us?

Yes North Korea does not like the US mainly because of the country's involvement in the Korean War between North and South Korea.

Difference between north and south korea?

They are separate countries with historical ties, South Korea was created during the Korean War because they wanted a nation that would help oppose the spread of communism throughout Asia. Today the countries have different types of government. And they are separated by a border known as the Korean Demilitarized Zone.

What lauguage is spoken in North Korea?

The official language spoken in North Korea is Korean.

What was the struggle between communist north Korea and free south Korea from 1950-1953?

The Korean War

What is North Korea's main language?

The main language spoken in North Korea is Korean.

What are the 2 countries make up the Korean Peninsula?

South Korea and North Korea make up the Korean Peninsula.

2 countries located on the KOREAN peninsula?

South Korea and North Korea are the two countries located on the Korean peninsula.

What happened in 1950 which caused the Korean War?

North Korean Communists invaded South Korea & tried to take controlThe North Korean Army invaded South Korea in 1950.