A College of Pharmacy in Texas is located at the University of Texas. However that is not the only College of Pharmacy located in Texas and some others include UNTHSC, the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, and the University of Houston.
The address of the Texas Pharmacy Museum is: Ttuhsc School Of Pharmacy, 1300 Coulter, Amarillo, TX 79106-1712
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy was created in 2007.
Medway School of Pharmacy was created in 2004.
Hi-School Pharmacy was created in 1925.
UCL School of Pharmacy was created in 1949.
McWhorter School of Pharmacy was created in 1927.
Skaggs School of Pharmacy was created in 2002.
Mylan School of Pharmacy was created in 1925.
Incomplete question - What online pharmacy school are they asking about?
Midway College School of Pharmacy was created in 2011.
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy was created in 1892.
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy was created in 1897.