In the ANE, empire-wise, the Persians.
Most Persians today are Muslim, but before the advent of Islam in Persia, most Persians were Zoroastrians.
Most Persians today are Muslim, but before the advent of Islam in Persia, most Persians were Zoroastrians.
Because Persians came to Greece to conquer it and Leonidas and the other Greeks had to defend their country.
Most Persians today are Muslim, but before the advent of Islam in Persia, most Persians were Zoroastrians.
Notably the Persians, Minoans and the Egyptians.
The Persians.
Arabs converted to Islam before Persians did. By 633 CE, almost all Arabian Arabs were Muslims, but almost all Persians were Zoroastrians.
There was not an India before the British came and unified several nations for administrative convenience. The present day North India was ruled by the Persians, Moghuls, Turks,Moghuls and Afghans. The Assyrians never ruled India.
The Persians are the indigenous people of Iran and the descendants of the Aryan invaders who came into the area around 3500 years ago. They did not "choose to settle in Iran", but rather it was where they lived as far back as memory serves.