Queen Isabel of Castilla and King Ferdinand of Aragon co-ruled Spain. They were each monarchs of their respective kingdoms and the kingdoms were NOT united therefore what they ruled was not technically Spain. Spain would not come into existence until all three kingdoms were inherited by their grandson Carlos I in 1516.
I think the answer should be Isabel and Ferdinand even thought they were not technically King and Queen of Spain.
King Carlos I of Spain and his wife Isabella of Portugal were King and Queen of Spain.
the king and queen of Spain
King and Queen of Spain.
Juan Carlos I is King of Spain and his Queen is Sofia.
Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand financed or sponsored columbus' travels the the "New Woorld".
the king and queen of Spain paid for him to travel
Spain has a king and queen. The king is the Head of State, he is the official representative of Spain to the world. Spain also has a President, His name is Jose Luis Rodriquez Zapatero, he is the Head of Government, the man in charge of the government and the country.
Castile and Grenada, which was the provisional capital of Spain at the time.
Spain the queen is queen Isabella and the king is king Ferdinad
Juan Carlos I is the King: the Queen is his wife Sophia.
king Ferdinand and queen Isabella of Spain
spain the king and queen for spain Spain
The King of Spain is Juan Carlos I and his wife is Queen Sofia.