When the British first established the trading port in Temasak (Modern-day Singapore), it is literally a melting pot of people, from the Bugis, Indians, Malays to the Chinese. it is no surprise that a form of pidgrin English 'popped' up. This came to be known as a form of proto-Singlish. Eventually, Singlish developed into the local Lingua Franca. You can say it is the addition of local tastes to the 'Queen's English'. As a result, most locals are more comfortable using Singlish than standard English (It is faster, funnier and considerably more relatable to the average Heartlander)
As a Singaporean writer once put it, Singlish is the language of our souls. It became what distinguishes someone who is local-born and foreigners. Singlish bonds people, arguably more than British English. Using British or American English will cause Singaporeans to lose their common identity, making them in essentials British or American-born, instead of what they are, Singaporeans.
Singlish (Singaporean English) or Manglish/Rojak language (Malaysian English)
people in Singapore sometimes use a slang call singlish
singlish movies? I think that there are comedy movies that make fun of singlish or uses singlish deliberately to poke fun at it like movies by Singapore directors like Jack Neo etc. but they still have a general medium like Chinese or English, though its mostly Chinese.
Singaporean sure use about 20litres for it drinking is about 900ml of water for each meal and we have to bath too so the rest of the water should use to bath.
Singlish is only spoken by Singaporeans, so not many people speak it (thank goodness really)
He is a Singaporean.
Because Singapore is made up of English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil speaking people, they combined their languages to make Singlish.
"Good afternoon" in Singlish would be "Die die must say ah-ter-noon lah."
Singlish is primarily made up of English vocabulary with influences from Chinese, Malay, Tamil, and various Chinese dialects. It also incorporates unique grammatical structures and colloquial expressions that differ from standard English.
Singaporean American's population is 2,000.