Because of discrimiation against ethnic, religious, and other minorities in Nevada
No, it's west of the mississippi, located in Nevada, which is next to California, which is the majority of the West Coast.
No, there are a lot more west of the Mississippi. The Rockies, Sierra Nevada, Cascade, and Bitterroot Ranges and numerous lesser ranges and mountains are west of the Mississippi.
Here is a list of states west of the Mississippi river: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii.
They are in the Eastern U.S. The Rockies and Sierra Nevada are in the west.
Mississippi is to the west of the Mississippi fiver
Nevada is west of California.
Utah is bordered by Nevada on the west.
Mississippi is to the west of the Mississippi fiver
Mississippi is to the west of the Mississippi fiver