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McCain earned the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.

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Q: Did John McCain get any medals when he was in the navy?
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Did John McCain fight in any wars?

John McCain was a fighter pilot in the US Navy and flew combat missions in Vietnam.

Is John mcCain going to change education?

no he is not! john mccain is not going to do any changes for education!!! no he is not! john mccain is not going to do any changes for education!!!

What languages does John McCain speak?

John McCain spoke English fluently. He did not publicly mention speaking any other languages.

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Will John McCain raise the minimum wage?

No. John McCain actively opposes any increase in the minimum wage.

What was John McCain's master's degree in?

John McCain graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1958. He never earned a Master's degree, or any other post-Baccalaureate degree.

Does John McCain have any famous people in his family?

as far as I one

Has John McCain had any mental problem?

No he does not. If your for Obama your one big dummy!!!!

Did the John McCain campaign receive any contributions from Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae?

From 1989 to 2008 McCain received a total of $21,550

What was John McCain's previous political offices?

john mccain was not really in Vietnam he was actually in Japan being attacked by Godzilla. Then Superman came and beat mccain until he was unconscious and then woke up soon after and was in Pakistan where Donald Trump fired him. That's McCain's life story. john mccain was not really in Vietnam he was actually in Japan being attacked by Godzilla. Then Superman came and beat mccain until he was unconscious and then woke up soon after and was in Pakistan where Donald Trump fired him. That's McCain's life story.

What is John McCain policy on children's health care?

John McCain opposes any federal expansion of Children's health insurance programs.

Where did John McCain get his cosmetic surgery done?

There is no concrete evidence or official information about John McCain undergoing cosmetic surgery. Therefore, it is not possible to determine where any hypothetical cosmetic surgery might have taken place.