No, only Mitt Romney served as the head of the Winter Olympics in 2002. Mr. Obama was serving in the Illinois state senate at that time.
Senator John McCain ran against Barack Obama for what became Obama's second term.
Actually yes, but not together and not at the same time. When Mitt Romney was Governor of Massachusetts from 2003-2007, he did in fact sign into law a health care bill that is still widely popular in Massachusetts. Barack Obama's version, put forward in 2009-2010, is similar to Mr. Romney's, and incorporates both Republican and Democratic ideas.
The rescue of the auto industry occurred under the leadership of President Obama; at the time, Mitt Romney was opposed to it, a stance that hurt him in swing states during the election.
With thanks to the Harvard University Archives, we can even give the exact date: It was June 6, 1991. Mr. Obama's graduation at Harvard was also written about in the Harvard Crimson, the university's newspaper, and in subsequent articles in Harvard's alumni publication, both of which are now available online. And the Harvard University website, which lists some of its most notable graduates, says "Barack Obama JD 1991. Before becoming president of the U.S., Obama served as the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. First lady Michelle Obama JD '88 also attended [Harvard Law School], although the couple met when Obama returned to Chicago after graduation."
Romney had an American father -- Obama had an African father Romney had a rich and famous father - Obama had little-known, low-income father Romney is a Mormon who is very active in his church -- Obama was a long-time United Church of Christ member who has switched to worshiping at the Camp David chapel (as did the Bushes), mostly to avoid crowd issues. Romney has experience as governor of Mass. - Obama has experience as US Senator from Illinois. Romney got very rich from an investment firm - Obama was well-off as a lawyer and state politician. If you are looking for political difference (i.e. stances on specific issues), please ask a question regarding that particular issue, as even a partial comparison of their political difference here in this summary is impossible.
Barack Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988, this would make him 27-years-old at the time. He later graduated magna cum laude in 1991.
Most of his time was spent as editor of the Harvard Law review; he was the first African-American to hold this prestigious position.
He was born in Hawaii, went for some time to California, Illinois, Harvard, and now, DC.
Michelle Robinson (she was not yet married to Barack Obama) graduated from Harvard Law School in 1988. She then went to work for a Chicago law firm, Sidley & Austin. It was there that she met Barack Obama, who was a legal intern there at that time.
romney is pro life. obama supports infanticide. romney is rich. so is obama, but not as rich. romney is mormon. obama claims to be christian, but is actually muslim. you can't find too much dirt on romney. he flip flop-flops a little. he wants to give rich people tax cuts so that they are more likely to hire someone. he wants to cut the deficeit and is a successfull business man. , then governor. he also has a history of helping those in need which isn't really talked about much. obama is a chicago lawyer/ community "organizer" then senator, then pres. romney's companies shipped jobs overseas. many people do that including obama. obama is a socialist, marxist, maybe even communist, we all know that usually doesn't end well for people. he wants to redistribute wealth. i think romney does really want to help america or he wouldn't run for pres. I think obama wants to fundamentally change america. also romney is romured to have driven with a dog in a carrier strapped to the roof of the car along with the luggage! obama ate dog meat a few times as a child. not a big deal. romney said he can't change the mind of the 47% of americans that feel intitled. he was caught in tape saying this. obama was caught on tape telling the russians he will have more flexablity once the election was over. his administration gave guns to mexican drug cartels and egyptian revolutionaries. also would not send help to the people at the lybian embacy who were under attack. he said they didn't know what was going on. we found out later that the white house watched video in real time of the attack!! so idk why he hasn't been impeached. romney has a wife and five boys who are grown. obama has a wife and two daughters who are not grown yet. but people are talking about him being a closeted gay man. idk about that. he said gay people should be able to get married. romney, i am asuming, believes marriage is between man woman and god. anyway obama has a history of hanging out with terrorist like bill ayers who claims to have written obamas first book, dreams from my father, and communists like frank marshall davis (might be his real father). obama claims his father was a goat hearder from kenya. romney's father was a politition who fought for black righs. they both went to harvard. obama is part black but speaks like a white man unless he is talking to a group of blacks, then he has a southern accent for some reason. and romney is super white all the time. anyway those are just a few of the observations i have made. can you tell that i don't like obama. mainly because of the first thing i stated, but i don't trust him one bit.
Neither man served in the military. Mr. Romney got a deferment so that he could be a Mormon missionary in France during the Vietnam War. Mr. Obama was only a little child during the war, and by the time he was old enough to serve, the war had ended and there was no longer any military draft.