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Q: How much does a aviation mechanic make in the marine corps?
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How much does a marine in corps make a year?

I think they make 168, 562

Is it common to make a perfect score on the Marine Corps PFT?

It is not unusual to have a perfect score on the Marine Corps PFT. THe more physically fit you are, the easier it is to get a perfect score.

How much does a Marine Corps Officer make a month?

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

What are the 2 missions in the marine corps?

To win wars and make Marines.

How much does a marine scout sniper make?

A marine corps scout snipers pay is determined by his rank and years in service.

How much do aviation mechanics make?

Not enough, when you consider the training required and the responsibility the mechanic has for the safety of the aircraft.

What did the marine corps gain from World War 2 to make it better?

Combat experience

How much does a marine corps cobra helicopter pilot make?

That would depend on his rank in the Marines

Which branches of service make up the nations principal maritime force?

Navy and Marine Corps

Which branches of service make up nations principal maritime force?

Navy and Marine Corps

If a sergeant has been with the marine corps for 5 years how much will they make?

2247.30 per month, base pay