The salary of an obstetrician in the US Army varies depending on rank and years of service. On average, the base salary for an Army physician (including obstetricians) ranges from $100,000 to $275,000 per year. This figure does not include additional benefits such as allowances for housing, food, and healthcare.
not near enough!
not enough
As of 2010, In the USA the annual median Obstetrician Salary is $248,000.
some soldiers get paid alot
Depends on which army. This is an international site, please specify which country you are asking about.
They spend too much in army.
no? ask your questions to the community!
Pay for ALL US military is based on rank and length of service.
3.84 an hour from just base wage for a 8 yr SGT.
US Army is a partnership with Tippmann to make cheap, reliable and militairy resembing, entry-level markers.
over a hundred