Paying off a debt owed to a bank listed on ChexSystems may improve your chances of being able to open a checking account with them again. However, each bank has its own policies and may still consider your past history when deciding whether to approve your application. It's best to contact the bank directly to inquire about their specific guidelines and requirements for opening a new account.
For what?
Money in a checking account is called demand deposit.
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It's easier to spend the money in a checking account.
From the account holders perspective yes a checking account is an asset. The amount of money you have in your checking account is your asset. From the banks perspective it is a liability because whenever you want your money, the bank has to give it to you.
Many checking accounts do not offer interest on the money in your savings account. This is a disadvantage because the money you put in a savings account will collect interest, where a checking account will not.
The only tax you would pay on money in a checking account is any interest the money made if it is a interest type of account.
No, the proper banking term is balance for an amount in a checking account.
It is a booklet used to record checking account transactions. To keep track of the amount of money in your checking account
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Of course, there isn't a law that says that you need a checking account to posses money.
money in a checking accountMoney in a checking account