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No. That is for the president.

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Q: Is executive privilege reserved for the secretary of defense?
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What branch of government is the secretary of defense in?

The secretary of defense is a cabinet position and a part of the executive branch.

Who is the Defense Acquisition Executive?

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Most executive departments such as the Department of Defense are headed by a?

Most executive departments, such as the Department of Defense, are headed by a secretary.

What branch does the secratary of defense go under?

The secretary of defense goes under the executive branch. The president is the one that elects officers of the executive branch.

What other position do the executive department heads hold?

Except for the Attorney General, executive department heads are called Secretaries such as Secretary of State,Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Treasury, etc.

When does the secretary of defense has the responsibility to provide defense support to civil authorities?

exceed local need

What is another name for the Executive departments?

the president's cabinet EX: secretary of defense, secretary of treasury, ect. =):):):)::):):( frown hjkfglfjgkfdjjdhkdfgggggggggggggggggggggggfjgkhjlfkjghkgjjhkgjlfjhlskjhedklhkdjhkjdkhjkhjkjkjkdjhkjgkhjdkjhkfjgkhjkfjhkfjhkjdkjhkjfhkjdghkjgkhjkdjhkdjfgkhjgfjhkdfjhkdfjhkdfgjhkjgkjhkdjgjhkgjhkfjkdgnfjfgkhjkdhjkdgfjgnhfgdkjhkdj

What are the functions of a secretary in the office?

A secretary is the leader of an executive department

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He's basically the president of the county and his secretary of defense is the sheriff

Who is Department of Defense executive agent for emergency response to transportation accidents involving munitions and explosives?

secretary of the army

Who is the second in command of the US Army?

The second in command of the US Army is the executive officer.

What do you call the head of each executive department?

Except for Justice, they are all secretaries e.g. . Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of State. The head of justice is called the Attorney General of the United States.