The EA pair in beat has a long E sound, as in cheat, meat, and seat.
Yes, "beat" has a long vowel sound in English. The "ea" combination creates the long e sound.
The sound of a heart beat is usually described as a thump.
Yes, the word "eat" has a short e sound, not a short a sound.
Neither. The EA pair has a long E sound as in beat and beet.
Yes, "sound" can function as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it can refer to vibrations that travel through the air and can be heard by the ear.
No. The EA has the long E sound as in beat and heat.
There is no "A" sound. The EA pair has the long E vowel sound as in beat.
No. The EA pair has a long E sound, as in beat and beet.
Yes. The EA vowel pair has a long E sound, as in beat and neat. (weet)