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The employer can fire you at any time they find out about something you lied about on your application. This has happened to many people who have inflated their educational experience on their applications. Do you really want to have that hanging over your head?

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Q: What happens if you don't tell your employer that you have a felony conviction?
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How do you become a chemical dependency licensed counselor in Houston tx with a felony conviction?

you dont

Can someone become a repo agent if they have a felony conviction?

Not impossible, but difficult. Most states dont regulate background checks, BUT, insurance cos. DO. Liability for the ins. co.

Could you be deported if you failed to appear in court hearing and a warrant was issued?

You can be deported for any felony conviction, and violence history. i dont know what the warrant is for but you need to answer it and stay out of any future trouble.

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I was convicted of a federal crime and spent 10 months in federal prison. This was in 1993. I got a passport and travel to the Philippines. I dont know if this helped or not.

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>ask the employer to repeat the question<

What is mean current?

dont have a current employer

Can you sell cars if you have a felony?

Depending on what the felony is I dont think it will matter. To be sure I would consult an attorney to be safe.

Felony was dropped to a misdemeanor do you have to put it on a job application?

No you dont

Is breaking and entering a felony in North Carolina?

felony burglary in Ga is when you enter any enclosed space, but usually a house or car, wether or not you have the intent to take anything when you dont have authorization to be in that space. The felony part comes in when the sentence is 12 months or more.

How many times can you appeal a misdemeanor conviction in Texas?

I really dont know..

How do you Stop someone from getting a felony expunged?

I think the only way to expunge a felony is if it happened when the person was a juvenile and found guilty as a juvenile. If it happended as an adult I dont think they can expunge a felony.

You had defffered adjudication probation for a felony offense in Texas back in 1987 Probation completed and a dismissal was issued discharging you from the charges in 1995 can employer deny employment?

Yes they can deny employment...for anything they want really, all they have to say is they dont feel u are suitable for the job.