They are not all presidents, e.g. Franklin, Chase.
Placing the king's face on coins is a way to showcase the country's leadership and symbolize the ruling authority. It also helps to reinforce the monarch's presence in everyday transactions and connects the currency to the country's history and tradition.
Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea, both on small $1 coins. Older coins depicted various designs of Lady Liberty, who wasn't a real person.
Please make your question better. Who was on what coin. There are many coins that have mens on them. So if you are talking about what coin, put what president. Thanxz And some of the coins, that have presidents also are on the bills.
In 2000, Sacajawea was put on the back of the US Dollar coin, to honor her journey with Lewis and Clark across America. In 2007, the government began a program called the President $1 Coin. This is where they have put each of the presidents faces on the coin in the order that they became president. These coins are for collector use.
Regardless of the image, all coins are made by engraving a die that is then used to strike the coins on a mechanical press. See the Related Link for a much more detailed explanation.
The data I have with my Americana Series: U.S. Presidents coins states that this one was put together by The Kennedy Mint.
The US Congress passed a law that ordered the US mint to issue these coins. The plan was to get people to use the one-dollar coins in place of the paper dollar bills and save millions in replacement costs. ( I do not know which Congressmen or senators pushed for the law.)
If you put in the sunlight and if you see that presidents head then it's real. From local resident 8 year old
Find someone with a bunch of coins and have them put them in for you.
At the present time, US presidents earn $400,000 annually. They also receive a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment. These rates were put into effect in 2001.