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Q: Who obey laws pay taxes defend the nation and serve on juries?
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What are the five duties of citizenship?

Obey laws Pay taxes Serve in the armed forces if called Serve on a jury or as a witness in court Defend our nation

What are some duties of Americans?

pay taxes attend scool serve in court obey laws defend nation-draft

What are the 4 duties or responsibilities of us citizens?

Being loyal to one's countryBeing a cooperative citizen with law enforcement agenciesBeing well informed on current affairs or issuesBeing helpful and respectful to one's neighboursObeying the lawGo to court if your supposed toHelp with selective servicesGo to schoolPay taxes

How do witnesses and jurors participate in some of the duties of American citizenship?

Obey the laws, pay taxes, and defend the nation.

Did Athenians pay taxes and serve in the army?

They were averse to paying taxes, and had to serve in their army when called out.

Why is the taxes called the life blood of the nation?

because a nation cant sustain the needs of its country wihtout this taxes.

What are some responsibilities of an American citizen?

be a supportive of the government,pay your taxes/bills,vote,attend government hearings, watch news channels. To add onto that: * Obey the laws * Pay taxes * Defend the Nation * Serve in Court * Go to School * Vote * Participate in Government * Respect other's rights * Respect diversity * Be informed about the government * Know your rights-so you can preserve them

Who invented taxes and why?

the king invented them to raise money for his nights to defend:)

Why did parliament think colonists should be willing to pay the stamp act taxes?

stamp tax money would be used to defend the colonies

What responsibilities did the citizens of Athens have?

Observe the laws. Serve in the army or navy when called out. Serve on juries when selected by lot. Serve on the state appointments which governed between meetings of the popular assembly. Attend the fortnightly Assembley meetings. Observe the religious festivals and give due deference to the Gods.

A nation's income from taxes duties licenses etc?


What is the major source of income for the Nation government?

Collection taxes