JFK served in the US Navy during WWII, 1941-1945, commanding a PT Boat in the Solomons. He was awarded the medal for saving the lives of his fellow crewmates after contact with Japanese forces.
The US did not(nor does not) have a medal called the Distinguished Conduct Medal.The Good Conduct Medal is awarded for any soldier who served about 9 to 12 months without having any conduct problems.The Distinguished Service Cross is an award for bravery.No. There is no list of soldiers for these awards.
No, it is awarded only to enlisted personnel. If an officer is wearing one, they may have earned it while enlisted, prior to receiving their commission.
Its simple, stay out of any trouble for 3 years and then you are awarded this medal.
He received the Good Conduct Medal (GCM) for his Army service.
Yes. However, there are certain ribbons or medals that officers do not wear which may have been awarded and worn as a prior enlisted soldier. The good conduct medal is an example; it is assumed, and expected, that all officers are of good character and always display good conduct.
In some jurisdictions, this would be viewed as profanity and could get you a citation or arrest for indecent or lewd conduct, or for disturbing the peace.
Good Conduct Medals are awarded for every 4 years of service without any major incidents (other than Captain's Mast (NJP). For 12 years of consecutive Good Conduct, Navy Veterans wear gold chevrons/hash marks instead of the normal red on Navy Blues.
They are long service and good conduct stripes (known as Badges) awarded to non-officers after lengths of service (in years). They are not ranks.
This charge is a summary offense meaning it is a citation or ticket which could cost anywere from one dollar all the way up to three hundred dollars in the common wealth of Pennsylvania
If the case involved ONLY an instance of disorderly conduct - that charge is basically a minor misdemeanor and can usually be disposed of by the payment of a relatively small monetary fine - or a short time in jail - or perhaps a day of community service.
Yes, he was in the British Special Air Service and was awarded the Military Medal for his conduct in Operation Granby, Gulf War, 1991. Chris Ryan is not his real name.
The discharge papers listed the soldier's awards and campaign credits. The papers will use acronymns which can be quite confusing.GCM is the Good Conduct Medal. This Medal was awarded to a soldier by the immeidate commander of his unit. It was awarded about 9 to 12 months after enlistment and was given for good conduct. This means he did what was expected and didn't get into trouble. This medal could be revoked if the soldier did something that deserved a "punishment".ET - I'm not aware of any "official" abbreviation as this. Maybe it was something used by the Navy or Coast Guard. In general terms, "ET" could mean European Theater. However this was not the official name for the medal or ribbon awarded for this. Soldiers who served in Germany, Italy, France or Britian, etc. would be awarded the European - African - Middle Eastern Campaign Medal which was abbreviated "EAME".