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Bleeding Kansas

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Q: Because of violent struggles over the issue of slavery what was the nickname for Kansas Territory?
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What nickname did Kansas receive when pro slavery and anti slavery settlers clashed in violence?

"Bleeding Kansas" is the nickname given to the territory where pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers clashed in violent confrontations over the issue of slavery in the mid-1850s.

What is Thomas Jefferson nickname for slavery?

Because he was one of the ones to stop it

Territory where slavery was banned in 1787?

Slavery was banned in the Northwest Territory in 1787.

Was slavery banned in northwest territory?

No, slavery was not allowed in the new territory

Why as time passed the northwest territory did not adopt slavery?

Because of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Was slavery prohibited in Michigan territory and permitted in the Arkansas territory?

Slavery was prohibited in the Michigan Territory through the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. In contrast, slavery was permitted in the Arkansas Territory until it was admitted to the Union as a state in 1836.

Was slavery permitted in the Ohio territory?

Slavery was not permitted in the Ohio territory. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which established the Northwest Territory, including what would become Ohio, prohibited slavery in the region.

In what territory was slavery banned in 1787?

it was in the territory of OHIO!

What did the northwest ordinance says about slavery?

NIt outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory Thanks

What was the position of the south with regard to slavery in the Kansas territory?

Congress did not have the power to make rules about slavery in the kansas territory.

What was slavery's nickname?

peculiar institution

What is Mauritania's nickname?

practising slavery