Yes, Virginia was a major Confederate state, and the scene of many battles. It was not among the first to break away from the USA, and many prominent Virginian politicians and soldiers, including Robert E. Lee, hoped it wouldn't. But many, including Lee, placed their first loyalty with their state, and when it voted Confederate, they supported the South.
Because the people living in the western part of Virginia wanted to remain part of the Union, breaking away from Virginia and forming the separate state of West Virginia
you tell them you no longer want to be a part of their country and that you and several more states are going to secede and form another country separate
Five, if you count West Virginia as a state ( in 1860 it was still part of Virginia, but broke away from the Confederacy and joined the Union. In 1863, it became an offical US state). The slave states or Border States were Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, Misssouri, and West Virginia
23rd. Made an official state (after many years of trying to break away from Massachusetts) as part of the Missouri Compromise.
Three break variations are different sets that form part of a single session
America broke away from England which is part of Great Britain.
The Aleutians Islands form part of Alaska.
No. They feel they should break away and become their own country.
It can cause huge part of a mountain to break and fall away
These small pieces, known as sediment, are carried away by water or wind and eventually settle elsewhere. Over time, the sediment may accumulate and compact to form new sedimentary rock through processes like lithification.
It can cause huge part of a mountain to break and fall away
The word fracture is a noun or a verb. The noun form is something that has been broken. The verb form means to break.
Because it formed part of Virginia, but disapproved of that state's decision to break away from the USA in 1861. So it broke away from Virginia, and became West Virginia - It is called WEST Virginia because it once was WESTERN Virginia as any quick glance at a map can tell you.
The straight part in the middle, away from both ends of the bone