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Q: How were the nationalist revolts in Latin America influenced by the french and American revolutions?
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What directly influenced the struggles for political independence in Latin America during the early 1800's?

the american and french revolutions

What time period influenced revolutions in Latin America?

The 18th-Century (Age of Enlightenment)

How were the goals of the south American revolutions from their results?

The goal of uniting all of South America went unfulfilled during and after the South American revolutions.

A study of the revolutions in Latin america in the 19th century would show that?

Events in the North America and Europe influenced Latins Americans

How did the enlightenment impact both the American and French revolutions?

the enlightenment affect the revolutions in England and America by making them into wealthier states

Influenced by the french and America revolutions latin Americans sought independence from what parent countries?

Latin Americans sought independence from their parent countries, mainly Spain and Portugal. The French and American revolutions served as inspirations for Latin American independence movements, as they demonstrated the possibility of overthrowing colonial rule and establishing independent governments.

How we're goals of the South American revolutions different from their results?

It is time for you read your textbook. Make a Venn diagram to help you compare.

Who were the leaders of the American and French Revolutions?

America had George Washington, nad i don't know about the french

What events inspired independence movements in latin America?

Both the French Revolutions and the American Revolutions inspired this act. The Revolutions mostly inspired the Latin Americans to gain independence as both the revolutions are an act of independence.

Why were us officials sympathetic with the revolutions in Latin America?

The Latin American Revolutions echoed many of the same ideals of the American Revolution, namely that the various states of Latin America had developed their own identities, separate from Spain and wanted the freedom to govern themselves with their own domestic institutions.

Who financed the fight against the revolutions in America?

Monetary support for the American Revolution came from the Netherlands, France and Spain.

How did the ideas from the age of enlightenment Latin?

The ideas from the Age of Enlightenment spread to Latin America through various means, such as the circulation of books and publications, the arrival of European thinkers and migrants, and the influence of the French and American Revolutions. These ideas inspired Latin American intellectuals and elites to challenge colonial rule and advocate for independence, leading to the emergence of nationalist movements across the region.