The Assassination of President James Garfield
The simplest answer would be the Protestant Reformation. This changed Europe from being united under the Roman Catholic Church to being divided between Catholicism and several Protestant groups, such as the Lutherans.
Well, there were multiple events, but one of the most significant events that caused the succession was the election of Abraham Lincoln (1860), but the war didn't actually begin until the Confederacy bombarded Fort Sumter.
a major event is something very big that has happened
The constitutional convention occurred second.
Yes, "suddenly" is an adverb. It is used to describe an action or event that occurs quickly and unexpectedly.
The verb in the sentence is: changed
in transition the states are changed from one state to another but in event the signals are changed or trigered with respect to that signal.
If you want to know, I got mine from Dungeoneering, just suddenly!
A contingency plan is what to do if a possible future event or circumstance suddenly changes.
gold was discovered in California
gold was discovered in California
"Suddenly" is an adverb that cannot be compared using the comparative form. It describes how an action or event occurs unexpectedly or quickly, and it does not have degrees of comparison like other adverbs (e.g., "quickly," "more quickly," "most quickly").
the basket in the Nile
They are similar but used differently. Immediately means to take some action now & suddenly describes an event occurring quickly without warning. Ex-Take out the trash immediately. Ex-Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
Exclaiming is the action of speaking out suddenly in surprise or with strong feeling. It is an involuntary or spontaneous verbal reaction to a surprising or emotional event.
There were a few. The invasion of the Soviet Union changed it for the worse, the battle of Kursk changed it for the better.