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The bunnty dance

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Q: What types of dances did the eastern woodland people do?
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What types of work were women responsible for the eastern woodland region?

Farming corn

What types of dances do people do in Bora Bora?

they do the hula and many more dances. They basically do the same dances that they do in Hawaii

What are the kind of ethnic dance?

Ethnic dances originate in all parts of the world. There must be many thousands.

What kinds of homes did the Eastern Woodland Indians live in?

The Eastern Woodland Indians lived in various types of homes, including longhouses made of wood and bark, wigwams made of saplings and birch bark, and chickees built on stilts with thatched roofs. They adapted their dwellings to their environment and the resources available to them.

Tap lrish and ballet are all types of what?

types of dances

What music do people from Paraguay listen to?

ยงTwo types of music typically Paraguayan. The polks and the guarania. Polka are adaptations of the eastern European musical forms and dances. Guaranias are the love songs traditionally sung by a suitor to his beloved outside her window at night.

What kind of dances did the Dakota tribes do?

they have many different types of dances Powwows, Rain dances, Sun dances,War dances,Wedding dances, Happiness Dances. theres more but cant think of any more. Good Luck

How many types of birds live in woodland areas?

there are over 100,000 differnent birds in the woodland area.

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