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The northerners were called Yankees and the Southerner were called rebels.

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Q: What was the name of the people who fought in the civil war?
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What was the name of the war that was fought for independence?

the Civil war!

What is a name of one war fought by the US in the 1800's?

The Civil War.

What was the name of war that was fought by US in 1800?

The Civil War.

What was the name of the war the US fought against themselves?

The Civil War.

What is a war called that is fought among people who live in the same country?

A war among people who live in the same country is a civil war.

Did he fight in Civil war?

Who is he - about 5 million people fought in the US Civil War.

Were the people in the civil war trained?

yes thats how they fought

How many people from Arkansas fought in the civil war?


Was the Civil War fought in vain?

Not at all. Many people don't know that the civil war was fought for more than one reason. - Abolishment of slavery - Civil Rights - Rights of the people, and land for landowners. No, without the civil war, our economy and civil leadership wouldn't be what it is today.

What was the worst war the us fought?

the worst war the USA. fought was the Civil War.

What is the name the war fought on the US soil between the north and south?

Civil War

What countries fought in the Civil War?

A civil war is fought by differing factions of a single country.