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I think that you should just go find it yourself because i sure as hell don't know what it trying to figured it out for my summer school thing.

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Q: What was the status of African Americans in the South before 1950?
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Conditions for African Americans in the south.

Most progressive paid little attention to what?

Conditions for African Americans in the south -apex

Compare the lives of African Americans living in the south before the civil war and after reconstruction?

I hate ss

What was it that most Progressives paid little attention to?

Conditions for African Americans in the south -apex

How many African Americans left the South between World War 1 and 1930?

1.3 million African-Americans left the south.

Why couldn't free African Americans own guns in the south before the civil war?

Because the South had African American Slaves, and they worried that Freed African Americans with guns might start a revolt, similar to Nat Turners rebellion which resulted in the deaths of a lot of people who kept slaves.

What did Jonathan clarkson gibbs to do help freedmen?

He went south and founded schools for African Americans.

What did Jonathan gibbs do to help freedmen?

He went south and founded schools for african americans

Why did African Americans move away from the south?

The African-Americans tried to escape from the South because the South had slave states. They tried to get to the North because those were free states.

What tactics did whites in the south use to prevent African Americans from achieving equality before the civil rights era?


What accounts for large numbers of African Americans in the south?

Most people tend to remain near where their ancestors lived. Since a very large number of African Americans descend from Africans imported to the South to work as slaves, there are still large numbers of African Americans in the South.

Why did the north and south need African Americans to serve in their army?

I don't think the south recruited them but the North recruited African Americans to win the war against the south to make the slaves free.