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Q: Who is the woman who helped hundreds of others escaped slaves flee to freedom in north via underground railroad?
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What is the name of the woman who helped hundreds of other escaped slaves flee to freedom in the north via underground railroad?

harriet tubman

What is the name of the woman who helped hundreds of of other escaped slaves flee to freedom in the north via underground railroad.?

It was Harriet Tubman

What is the name of the woman who helped hundreds of other escaped slaves flee to freedom in the nort via the underground railroad?

Harriet Tubman

What is the name of the woman who helped hundreds of other escaped slaves flee to freedom in the north via the underground railroad?

Harriett Tubman

What is the Mormon Trail for underground railroad?

The Underground Railroad was a way that slaves escaped to freedom. The Mormon Trail was a route the Mormons took to find religious freedom.

Was the underground railroad for a train?

no. the underground railroad was a secret (underground) chain of people who would help slaves reach freedom. the "railroad" part of the underground railroad was simply a way to refer to the chain of people that runaway slaves would stay with.

How many slaves in the north escaped on the underground railroad?

100,000 slaves escaped through the undreground railroad to freedom 50,000 slaves were reported to have escaped between 1830 and 1860.

Why did the slaves want the underground railroad?

Slaves wanted their freedom. Many escaped to Canada.

Many enslaved African Americans escaped from the south to freedom with the help of the?

Underground railroad

She helped hundreds of slaves escape to freedom on the underground railroad?

give me an answer PLEASE

How many people did harriet Tubman free in the underground railroad?

hundreds and hundreds. she was a symbol of hope and freedom

Network of safe houses that helped escaped slaves reach freedom in the northern lands?

underground railroad