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Geo. Wasshington

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Q: Who said A nation that does not know its history has no future?
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What did Rizal mean when he said The school is the book in which is written the future of the nation?

Rizal meant that education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of a nation. Schools not only provide knowledge but also instill values, skills, and principles that will influence the direction of a country. By investing in education, a nation can ensure a brighter future for its people and society as a whole.

Who said to understand the future you must know the past?

Tyler Maret

Does every one like history?

no, some people think it is boring, but some people think that it is educating, such as an important person said : the better you know about the past the more prepared you are for the future.

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well, he has once said that he has been thinking into the future. like his future wife, future kids, and kids future so i think he would want to know more about that!

Why do I have to know us history to be a US citizen?

Because the US government requires you to know US history in order to be naturalized- enough said.

Who said Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it?

George Santayana

What does Draco Malfoy's future wife look like?

We do not know, JKR has never said.

In the Gettysburg address Lincoln said the civil war was a test of?

That nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. That's all I know............ I hope it help you guys

A situation where a nation buys more goods then it sells?

The current situation of the US and several other countries around the world: such a nation is said to be a "debtor nation" since it has was is know as a "trade deficit".

Why is it important to know the past?

As the great philosopher Georges Santayana said, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it". In other words, if you understand your past history you can learn from your mistakes and not repeat them in the future. However this also means you can learn from your successes and endeavour in future to use the same techniques where possible to ensure future success.

How is the study of history essential?

It is commonly said "Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it." That should be a good enough reason to study history.