The Union won.
The Battle of Gettysburg
Fort Donelson
The Battle of Antietam was fought on land between Sharpsburg Maryland and the Antietam Creek on September 17th, 1862. The Union won this battle.
The Union Army under General Thomas won the Battle of Nashville.
The Union won the battle
The union won the battle Antietam in Maryland. It was the bloodiest battle in the war.
the union / the north won
The Union won the battle of Appomattox.
The Union won the battle of Appomattox.
It was a Union victory.
The Union won the Battle of Gettysburg witch is know as the bloodies battle in the Civil War history.
The Union Won The Battle Of Paluski.
grant won the battle, the union army
The Union Forces won the Battle of Franklin.
The union won
The union won that battle.