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Q: Why did more Irish immigrants move to the north instead of south?
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What the Irish had to do with the civil war?

Caused violence in New York, when new Irish immigrants were drafted into the Union army. In the South, one of the most respected Confederate Generals was the Irish-born pharmacist, Pat Cleburne.

What is a likely reason why more immigrants settled in the North and West as opposed to the South at this time?

The South did not have the industries to provide jobs.

What area of the country was urbanized the most in the us during the period of the civil war?

The north was urbanized, the South was agrigarian, consequently the thinking of the two sections were vastly different. The influx of immigrants to the north greatly influenced their need for cheap labor (which the slave was not, actually). The Irish I Migrants, etc filled the labor force needs, but not the need for the money made by shipping slaves. The cheap labor from immigrants and the weather conditions made the urbanization of the north more conducive

Why does the North have a higher population than the South in the 1860's?

Because it was industrialised, and it was attracting many immigrants from Europe.

What are three differences between the north and the south?

The South relied on agriculture, especially cotton and tobacco , and used slave labor to do much of the work. The North concentrated on manufacturing and did not use slave labor. The North had extensive railroad connections- the South had few railroads. The Southerners were mostly Protestants of Scotch- English- Northern Irish decent. The North had more diverse backgrounds- people from Germany, Sweden, Holland, Irish Catholics and elsewhere, as well as the English. The North had more money and could better equip their forces. The also had a much larger navy.

Related questions

Who had the most immigrants North America or South America?

south America

Why did the immigrants settle in the North?

the south was too cold.

Which sea do the Irish sea face?

The Irish is bounded by land to the west and east and by water to the north and south. Britain is to the west of the Irish Sea and Ireland to the east. At the north end is the North Channel and at the south end is St. George's Channel.

Is there an Irish times newspaper for Northern Ireland?

no, Irish times serves north and south

Why didn't the Irish in the north want to be united to the Irish in the south?

Because the North was Protestant and wanted to be under control of the queen. The south was Catholic and wanted to be under its own control.

Why was there less slavery in the north then in the south?

Because the North was into manufacturing instead of agriculture as the south was.

Why did Irish immigrants want slavery?

Most Irish people did not want slavery. The Irish culture teaches a respect for all human beings. Some Irish immigrants fought for the south with the agreement that their entire family could become citizens if one man of the family joined the Confederate Army. (New York and Baltimore did the same to attract Irish immigrants and fill draft quotas). Some Irish immigrants (like some of many other cultures) were attracted to the slave-keeper mentality because of profit motivations or because they wanted to dominate others the way that England had dominated Ireland for centuries. But keep in mind that most Irish immigrants (and most immigrants from other poor lands) did not want slavery.

Where did most of the Irish immigrants who came to the US following the potato famine of the 1840s?

The Irish immigrated because of the Irish Potato Famine in 1845

Why did the south not get a large number of immigrants after the revolutionary war?

It's not really that the south wasn't getting any immigrants, but rather that the north was just getting far more. This is because New York city was the ideal place to immigrate to and so that is why the north got most of the immigrants.

What the Irish had to do with the civil war?

Caused violence in New York, when new Irish immigrants were drafted into the Union army. In the South, one of the most respected Confederate Generals was the Irish-born pharmacist, Pat Cleburne.

What are the 4 oceans surrounding Ireland?

The Atlantic Ocean is to the west of Ireland and the Irish Sea is to the east. However there are other seas around Ireland. St. George's Channel and The North Channel are at either end of the Irish Sea, and the Celtic Sea is part of the Atlantic, just south of Ireland.

Why did the North and South have a Civil war instead of making an agreement?

The South did not want to get rid of slavery and the North did, The North was trying to force the South into it and they rebelled.