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Because both sides were certain that they would win.

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Q: Why did northerners and southerns eagerly rush in to the civil war?
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What are facts about dr benjiman rush?

He was in the civil war.

True or false the California gold rush of 1849 occurred after the US Civil War?

False. The California Gold occurred before the American Civil War of 1861- 1865. The Klondike Gold Rush occurred after the war, beginning in 1896. This rush is sometimes called the Yukon Gold Rush.

Why did peter lalor join the gold rush?

he joined the gold rush because he was working as a civil engineer on the Ballarat railway. he was over his job and up and left to join the gold rush.

Which event took place first- the California Gold Rush or the Civil War?

The gold rush famously prompted the '49ers - gold prospectors - to flock to California in 1849. The Civil War didn't start until 1860.

Is it true that California gold rush occurred after the US Civil War?

No. The California Gold Rush took place between 1848 - 1849, the American Civil War between 1861 - 1865. For more information see the link below.

How long before the US Civil war was gold found in California?

The California Gold Rush of between 1848 - 1849 was 12 years before the start of the US Civil War.

Why the settlers move to the west after the civil war?

the gold rush. the majority of them wanted their share of the fortune being made in california

Did union soldiers fight against slavery during the civil war?

It was not their over-riding motive. Most Northerners were not Abolitionists,and they answered Lincoln's call in support of the Union, or more prosaically to save the cotton revenues. In September 1862, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation as an urgent war-measure, to keep Britain from helping the Confederates. (It would have made them look pro-slavery.) His secondary aim was to revive Northern morale by making them feel they were fighting a worthwhile crusade against the evils of slavery. The mid-term elections did not indicate any new rush of Abolitionism, and most Northerners did not feel deeply about slavery from the beginning of the war to its very end.

What are some significant events that occurred in the 1830s?

The American Civil WarThe assassination of President LincolnThe Mexican-American WarThe California gold rush

What happened after the cilvil war?

After the Civil War came the Transcontinental Railroad, Reconstruction, the Indian Wars, the Oklahoma Land Rush, and the Spanish-American War.

When did Montana start the gold rush?

Early 1860s. The prospectors were mostly a combination of disgruntled miners that had failed in the California gold rush and Confederate deserters fleeing the Civil War. The first strike was at Gold Creek between Garrison and Dearlodge, but the rush quickly moved south to Nevada City and Virginia City. Helena, the state capital, was the site of one of the largest strikes and triggered its own gold rush in 1864.

When was Rush Rush created?

Rush Rush was created in 1990.