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no no NO!!! earn them yourself, lazy

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Q: All achievement glitch on Halo 3?
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What is the glitch to get all Halo 3 armor?

There is no glitch.

Is there a glitch that gives you all the halo 3 achievements?

No, there is not.

Get a glitch to get all achievements in halo three?

There are no glitches, cheats or workarounds to earn all the achievements in Halo 3 illegitimately.

What do all of the skulls do in Halo 3?

THey get you an achievement, and they get you the Hayabusa helmet.

How do you glitch Halo 3 odst?


Halo 3 sword glitch?

No such thing they patched in since halo 2

What do you get if you get all the Halo 3 mythic sculls?

You get an achievement. that's pretty much it.

How do you get the katana in Halo 3?

you need to get 1000+ achievement points from halo 3

What is the Halo 3 glitch?

Halo 3 has several glitches. Go on YouTube and search for CMNeir's channel. He run a show called Halo 3 Tricks, so you'll find all the glitches there.

In Halo 3 you have were in for some chop achievement but no scout shoulders?

in the achievement were in for some chop on halo 3 you do not get scout shoulders, sorry

Is there a glitch in Halo 3 that you can play as a hunter?

Nope. Sorry.

How do you glitch Halo 3 Flight Armor?

U can't! :(