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no, he didn't...

not that was seen at least

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Q: From Dynasty Warriors 6 did Zhao Yun have a girlfriend?
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Zhao Yun wearing speedo?

Yes. In Dynasty Warriors 4 and Dynasty Warriors 5 as Zhao Yun's swimsuit is black speedo.

Does Zhao Yun have a child?

In Dynasty Warriors 6, There is a Zhao Yun II I presume it's his son

On dynasty warriors 6 is zhao yun better then lu bu?

Depends on your style. Lu Bu does have higher stats, but you can like Zhao Yun if you like his skills and combos.

How do you get wei yan in dynasty warriors?

I only know how to get him in part three. You have to beat Zhao Yun's story. I did,and I unlocked him.

How do you unlock Zhao Yun's 4th weapon in Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires?

kill 500 in empire mode not free mode

Are they going to make a dynasty warriors movie?

I already know a movie called The Resurrection of the Dragon, which is about a story of Zhao Yun Zilong.

How do you unlock zhao yun's greatest weapon in dynasty warriors 6?

you just have to keep defeating enemy officers, eventually you will get it. you have to work hard to get something like that

How old is zhao yun in the dynasty warriors series?

He dies at the age of 72-74 so any age before then as he fights way into his old age.

When did Zhao Yun die?

Zhao Yun died in 2010-07.

How do you get Zhu Rongs level 10 weapon in Dynasty Warriors 4 Extreme Legends?

Encounter Zhuge Liang in under 4 minutes without being discovered at all by the Guard Troops and Zhao Yun on the difficulty on hard.

Who is Zhao Yun?

Zhao Yun (died about 229 AD) was an important military general during the civil wars of the late Han Dynasty and during the Three Kingdoms era of China. For most of his career, Zhao Yun served the warlord Liu Bei, playing a part in the establishment of Shu Han. In literature and folklore he is lauded as the third member of the Five Tiger Generals.

What has the author Yun Long Zhao written?

Yun Long Zhao has written: 'Qing long duo dao'