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In the lower corner of your house there is a phone. Click on that to call on of the stores. The church is open from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. It is closed all day Saturdays and Sundays and festival days. It costs 100,000 to Bless a Cursed Tool.

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Q: Harvest moon ds - how do you talk to the temple on phone and how do you get the cursed item for brining back the harvest goddess?
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In Harvest Moon DS and Cute, i believe you find the cursed tools in the deepest shaft of the mine.

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How do you get the cursed tools in harvest moon ds?

In Mine 3, Go to Level 11 And Dig And Break Rocks. You Will Find Cursed Items There

What is the temple in harvest moon ds?

Its a place where they bless cursed items/tools that you may find in the mines.

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You can discard them at the trash can in your house. If it is a cursed accessory, call the Church to remove the curse

What is a blessed tool in Harvest Moon DS?

Zoxian: It is basically a cursed tool found deep in the mines, that you have the church bless.

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Find the cursed Watering Can inside the mines and then call the Church to have the curse removed.

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The Fishing Pole you get from Galen is not cursed. But you can find a Cursed Fishing Rod in the mines. You can remove the curse by calling the Church.

Is it possible to get the cursed tools in harvest moon FOMT using an emulator to play?

Yes, it is possible to get the cursed tools on an emulator. It's just REALLY REALLY hard to get them. Did I say it was REALLY hard?

In what mine can you find the ore mythic in harvest moon ds?

The Third Mine. You can only find Mythic Stone after you get all the Cursed Tools and have all of those turned into Blessed Tools.