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They shifted the Delian League treasury from Delos to Athens and promptly began to spend it on themselves, building the Parthenon etc.

They continued to extort money from the League, reducing the 'freed' cities to subjects.

They put half their populace on the public payroll, supplied from League funds.

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11y ago

Athens wasn't exactly popular. It turned the anti-Persian coalition it led in the later phases of the war into an empire of its own when the Persians agreed to peace. Athens continued to extort the war funds from the Greek cities, sending out a fleet of 100 warships each year to collect the money, by force if necessary, and used the money for its own benefit. Ask the people of Samos who revolted against this how popular Athens was when they had the letter S burnt into their foreheads when Athens captured their city.

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They were defeated, lost the empire which gave them wealth, prestige and power, and also a large part of their manpower. They became a second rate power afterwards.

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